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Poweramp Notification on Android 10


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I flashed Pixel Experience Android 10 on my phone super recently, and it caused Poweramp to have a really really big notification. See attached picture. Is there any way to completely remove the bottom seekbar and get it to about the same size as the old notification? As it is, it takes up too much screen.


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None of them do what I want, sadly. There is either the plain-notification that displays the cover in a small square with monochrome text on the side, or the colors option with the seekbar. Is there no way to get the one from Android Pie, the colored notification without the seekbar?

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Odd, the first view should be a shortened one which then requires a user action to expand it to full height (you can tap the ^ symbol in the notification to reduce it again). I wonder if your device is somehow automatically expanding the notification?


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As far as I can tell, it has always been doing that. It shows the "short" notification on the lockscreen and the "expanded" notification on the home screen. It had been fine before (on Android 9) since there wasn't a seekbar, but now it takes up half the screen. I've included another screenshot. This is the notification view that I liked. It was short, had all the options and did not have the seekbar. It also did not take up much screen because of the extra seekbar padding.


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The issue definitely seems to be that your device is showing the expanded form of the notification first. The one you should see when initially pulling down on the notification area is the shorter one, which looked basically the same on Android 9 as far as I recall. This is on a Galaxy A70 with Android 10 and PA's Notification mode set to either Auto or Media/Colorized:


(the rounded box edges I think are a Samsung screen thing)

You can use the ˄ and ˅ symbols (top-right of the box) to expand/reduce it. 


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