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Album Display Question


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When I look at the "Rock" Genre, I'd prefer to see 1 item displayed per album.  But I only see one item when the Artist does not change withing that Album.  Is there a way to force this even when the Album Artist changes?





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Genre should work the same way as other categories in that respect. At the albums level, a single 'album' grouping is generated when the Album Title and Album Artist tags match between different tracks. If there are no Album Artist tags present, then the Album Title and Track Artist tags must match for tracks to be considered part of the same album (adjustable via Settings > Library > Lists > Join Albums).


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What I've done on my compilation albums is each track has the Album Artist = Various and the Artist = <track performing artist>. Then the albums like your example show a single entry per album when viewing by Genre. And your example is a great album.



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34 minutes ago, w3wilkes said:

What I've done on my compilation albums is each track has the Album Artist = Various and the Artist = <track performing artist>.

Yes, that's exactly how the Album Artist tag should be used. Multiple tracks will be considered as being part of the same compilation album if they have matching Album Title tags AND the same Album Artist tag too (which could be an Artist's name of course, or "Various Artists", etc). The individual Track Artist tags can vary of course, as is often the case with compilations.   


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5 hours ago, andrewilley said:

Yes, that's exactly how the Album Artist tag should be used. Multiple tracks will be considered as being part of the same compilation album if they have matching Album Title tags AND the same Album Artist tag too (which could be an Artist's name of course, or "Various Artists", etc). The individual Track Artist tags can vary of course, as is often the case with compilations.   


Yes, and this is exactly the way I needed it explained. Makes perfect sense and gives me a plan to "fix" what I'm seeing.

Thanks all!



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17 minutes ago, mbott said:

Yes, and this is exactly the way I needed it explained. Makes perfect sense and gives me a plan to "fix" what I'm seeing.

Thanks all!



I prefer to manage my tags on PC, much easier to do. There are several good programs for this. My personal preference is mp3tag, as it allows you to filter quickly and batch change multiple files. It handles large libraries easily. There are several other good ones out there.

But using Album Artist and Album names together will help keep your library tidy and let's Poweramp display everything nicely.

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