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Year category view only goes back to 1932?

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I recently added to my library an album of songs mainly recorded in 1927-8, with one song recorded in 1933. The album shows up correctly in most of Poweramp's lists, and when I view All Songs arranged by year, the tracks from 1927-8 are placed where they should be, at the top (or at the bottom, depending on which way the list is ordered). But when I click on the 'Years' category option, it shows nothing from 1927 or 1928; the track from 1933 is the only one that appears. Out of interest I tagged a few other random files with dates in the 20s and 30s, with the same result: nothing from before 1932 shows up. Is this specific to my device, or is it a general limitation in the system?

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There is no any limitation or logic like this in year processing. If you think some track is not correctly processed in this regard - please share it via Poweramp / long press in list / Send / Gmail / gpmaxmpz@gmail.com. Thanks!

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Thanks for the reply. I did some digging, and I've discovered the source of the problem. Where an album contains songs from several different years, only those from the most recent year are showing in the category list; the rest are missing. (So, say, a compilation of tracks from 1979, 1980 and 1981 will only appear under 1981.) The reason I noticed it with the 1927-33 album was because it's earlier than anything else in my library, so I'd expected the songs to show up all by themselves at the bottom of the list.

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