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Failure To Read Metadata


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For the last 2 months I've been on a music binge.

I've noticed upon adding new soungs to my music folder, Poweramp now wont read the metadata of newly added FLAC and Vorbis files.

They will show up in the Unknown folder. Flacs will overnight show up properly, yet the ogg files stay unknown, usually a few songs will properly be read and the album will be perpetually incomplete. 

Nothing has changed on my end. Many albums bought and downloaded through bamdcamp and CDs ripped. Tagged through foobar2000. I've attemped retagging and converting to check that the tagging was done properly. In the end I fall back to aac where the tags are read immediately every time.

Galaxy S10 +

Multiple updates: android 10 with March 10 patches

Poweramp v3 build 861-864: auto updates


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