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Despite "Shuffle all songs in folder hierarchy" shuffle gets stuck in sub-folder


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Despite using the option "Shuffle all songs in folder hierarchy" shuffle seems somehow stuck in the first sub-folder. After completely run through the first sub-folder shuffle continues in the next sub-folder. 

Furthermore the shuffle sequence seems always to be the exactly same. 

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How are you starting shuffle? I've just tried using Folders Hierarchy mode, and viewed my Adele folder. This contains three subfolders: 19, 21,and 25. I tapped on the Shuffle icon at the top of that overall Adele folder view, and PA starter playing random tracks from any of those three subfolders (not each folder in turn). This is with Settings > Library > List > "Shuffle All Songs in Folder Hierarchy" enabled, but you said you've already done that.

Going back to the Adele folder view and tapping the Shuffle icon again re-started with a newly randomised sequence of tracks from any of 19, 21 and 25. Check that Settings > Library > Lists > No Reshuffle is not turned on, otherwise the shuffle lists won't get re-randomised so often.


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Thanks, Andre, for checking this. 

Deactivating "No Reshuffle" solved the issue of re-starting with the same sequence of songs. I expected that this option would only take effect when continuing shuffled playback after e.g. skipping a song to prevent from playing the same songs over and over again. But starting a new shuffled playback then unfortunately results exactly in this unintended behavior. 

Curiously deactivating "No Reshuffle" also seemed to solve the following issue of shuffle in hierarchy folder: If I started shuffle playback in folder hierarchy one level higher than you, Andre, e.g. in folder Indie Folk, playback got stuck in the first sub-sub-folder/album of the first sub-folder/album artist for a very long period (although it doesn't seem to run through all songs completely as mentioned in my first post). After deactivating "No Reshuffle" I cannot recognize any remarkable difference to shuffle playback of category songs anymore. 


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