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Album art stick to the song and it will be awesome if 3000x3000 resolutons found


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1-Why when I choose album art to any song only display in Poweramp player? , can you make it stick to the song, so that any player can read it

2-there is a website called yandex  (https://yandex.com/images/) where you can find hi-res photos and album covers on it (example: https://yandex.com/images/search?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sohh.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F11%2FBlinding-Lights-The-Weeknd-11-29-19.jpg&text=the%20weekend%20bending%20lights%20album%20cover&rpt=imageview&cbir_id=2760990%2FD7hq20G26_3YRHWYJSKEeg), can you generate album covers from it it'd be awesome

And I want to thank you and all of the team for your effort and I truly appreciate it, I recommended it to many of my friends and they love it

Thanks in advance for your help...

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What you are asking for is to embed images into the actual tags of your music files, which has been discussed before. There would apparently be a performance issue if this was enabled, as writing such data may need the whole file to be rebuilt which could cause playback glitches - especially with larger images. There are third-party apps that can do this externally though.

Why do you need 3000x3000 images for cover artwork?! Even if you scanned a 12" vinyl cover, that would be a 250dpi scan, which is far more resolution than scanning commercial colour printing usually requires. And not even a 4K screen could display it fully anyway. I treat 1500x1500 as pretty much as large as I'd ever want, and generally tend to look for 1000x1000 to avoid making the data sizes too big.


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