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Crash on android 8 Headunit by Pumpkin


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hi there,

i use Poweramp for a long time now on my Mobilephone and Tablet without problems, i just like that player!


now i build a android headunit in my car (Pumpkin with android 8) and for sure i want to use Poweramp in my car - that works - BUT:

if i trun my car off, the unit go to a suspend mode (if i start the car the unit is up after 1 - 2 seconds) most of the time i just push the play button and Poweramp play my songs, but sometimes it comes up and say it has been crashed. ...

the crash would not hit me hart, shit happens, but after it crashed there is no libary - that have to rescann befor i can play musik and thats boring ...


any tipps to fix?


thx draddy


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