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Audiophile Version...


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New feature / version: Audiophile version with native rendering core.

Hello all:

First of all, I am a HUGE FAN of the Poweramp player and have been a paid user since my old HTC Hero.

Now on my Samsung Galaxy S2 and Galaxy Tab 10.1 (after a Samsung Epic and HTC G2) and still love the App. :-)

However, despite how awesome and well thought out the interface and interactions of Poweramp are (and I am a UX architect by trade so that is no small compliment), the overall sound quality is still totally dependent upon the quality of the codec and DAC in one's phone or tablet. Often this yields less than flattering results.

Not so, Neutron Code's Neutron Music Player. It uses a completely native code (internal to the program) 32bit audio rendering core and, to be frank, there is just no comparison in the quality of sound output. I mean, HOLY CRAP!!

However, Neutron's interface is TERRIBLE!!! I mean bad Man! They claim it is a 'pro only' interface but it simply sucks.

So here is the thought: I know that Neutron Code's engine is licensable. They make quite a deal of it on their site.

So, why not create an Audiophile version of Poweramp that combines your brilliant interface and interaction patterns with the unbeatable (thus far) sound quality of the Neutron player? Sure, you would have to charge like $8 - $10 for the app but those of us (and we are a growing number) that have already blown $300 - $500 on state of the art in-ear monitors and $150 - $500 external amplifiers would sure appreciate being able to have the best of both worlds!

Any thoughts??

Thanks, Matt.

mdxwired@gmail.com or matt@mdxwired.com

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PowerAMP (from v0.1) also uses 32bit internal audio representation and non system codecs. 32bit is not something you should advertise, as you basically can't do it otherwise. Also, actually all codecs should result in the same output within small error margin, or, otherwise, these codecs are not technically correct.


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Huh. Well, from a technical point of view I certainly stand corrected. However, I know what my ears are telling me and the results are pretty consistent across 3 different devices.

As to the crossfeed feature in NC's player... it is actually kind of crap. I generally rely upon the crossfred switch built into my pocket amp.

But I digress. Not sure why I am getting such a huge difference in sound quality between the two players.

I do know that the experience is very similar to the first time I listened to my music as it was rendered by a device sporting a top-end Wolfson codec/DAC should be the same but wasn't. The sound field was so much richer and more immersive.

Anyway, cheers and keep up the great interface work. Still second to none in that department.

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While codecs could (and should) result in equal output, the following dsps (saying, PA vs N), of course, differ a lot in implementation and in settings. PowerAMP 2.0 also has 2 modes now (DVC and non-DVC versions of equalizer/tone), and there are 2 versions of each engine as well - non-neon and neon optimized. By neon optimization, I mean hand created neon simd code, not just a compiler switch. PowerAMP v2.0 has 10 equ bands, 2 tone bands, + 2 filter bands+delay+x-feed in StereoX effect (this effect is probably too much for now, may be I simplify it in later versions, but by rotating the knob you can get range of stereo effects, starting from light expansion to heavy, srs-like effect).

I'm leaving PowerAMP balance, mono, resampling, and DVC volume ramping/fading out of equation (as these don't "change" sound).

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