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Of late, have not been able to get MusicMatch to work. It used to. (V3, Build 853). Am I doing something wrong perhaps or is there a bug? I saw in a post that it supposedly still works with MusicMatch (a program I find rather annoying, to be honest). I am looking for that type of experience where it shells out to the lyrics rather than me having to insert lyrics as tags. Any advice? Samsung S9+

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5 hours ago, maxmp said:

Poweramp supports also other lyric apps (actually, default Google works OK for me almost for each track out of there and is free). I quickly re-tested musixmatch and it works too at least on Samsung @ Android 9.

Is it possible for .lrc support in future updates?


This is more and more requested option.

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11 hours ago, maxmp said:

Poweramp supports also other lyric apps (actually, default Google works OK for me almost for each track out of there and is free). I quickly re-tested musixmatch and it works too at least on Samsung @ Android 9.

I've used (and not particularly liked) MM for quite awhile--I just can't get it to pop up any more when I click the lyrics drop-down menu in Pam.

In any event, I tried the Google suggestion. I like that--and it comes with a LOT less baggage. I think I'll just play with that for awhile.

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