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Duplicate (and broken) playlists are created for every m3u file


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I'm running the latest (full) version of Poweramp on Android. I have three directories on my SD card: "music", "children", and "books". Now, inside of these directories are a bunch of additional directories that contain albums. Every album has a m3u file inside that describes the directories contents. Poweramp discovers all those playlists and handled the one from "music" correctly, but each of the m3u files on the other two hierarchies creates *two* playlists. One of them is called "foo" for "foo.m3u" and it's broken a.k.a. empty. The second generated playlist is called "foo.m3u" and it works fine.

I have forced a full re-scan, reset Poweramps local data, and so forth, but I cannot get rid of those bogus duplicate playlists. These are clearly now artifacts of some previous scan of the SD card, these are generated reproducibly by Poweramp, which points towards a bug in the app.


As an example, look at the attached picture. The album "Grimms Marchen" is in the children's folder, and therefore it has a duplicated entry in the playlists menu. "Howard Jones", on the other hand, is a music album and it shows up only once and works fine.


Can anyone make sense of this?



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If they don't have any filename extenders then they were either created manually within Poweramp, or they are imports of Android system playlists (which could in turn have been picked up from storage files in the first place of course). Just remove the ones you don't want, and avoid using the Import System Playlists function. To stop Android from scanning the folders again later, you could put a .nomedia file in the root level of your three audio folders.


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3 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

They were either created manually within Poweramp or they are imports of Android system playlists.

I have not created those playlists manually and I have not imported Android system playlists. Whatever creates those playlists, it must be something else.

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26 minutes ago, flyingdutchman said:

If they are called foo then some other app creates them. Poweramp simply picks them up when it finds them.

The file system contains no files except for the mp3s and the m3us. And system playlists must be imported manually -- which I did not do. So I don't see how Poweramp could be affected by something else. Also, why does Poweramp have broken playlists only for 2 out of 3 directories I use to group music? If some other program would create playlists that Poweramp could see, then it would create them for the "music" hierarchy, too. All this doesn't seem very plausible. I still believe that this is a bug in Poweramp itself.

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