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album shuffle without shuffling songs


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Sure, you can set Shuffle mode however you like (including shuffling the album/category order, but leaving the songs within each one in order) using the Shuffle icon in the Player screen.

See FAQ on the subject, http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/1930273-how-to-use-repeat-and-shuffle-in-poweramp


I assume you have turned Repeat mode off? The same FAQ that I linked to above explains the different repeat options, but you need to set it back to the default 'Advance List' if you want playback to continue with the next Category after the current one is finished.


You're welcome.

The 'Repeat' button is still phrased using the old Poweramp v2 List terminology, which especially with 'Advance List' can be a bit confusing to new users. I'm hoping that @maxmp the dev might sometime be able to update those options a bit, so as to use more user-friendly v3 wording along the lines of: Play Song | Play Category | Play All | Repeat Song | Repeat Category | Repeat All.



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