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Show Track Counter


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@maxmp, whilst working on my skin I noticed the following in logcat when switching "Show Trck Counter"

11-28 08:53:18.837 27628-27628/? E/ResourceType: Style contains key with bad entry: 0x01010530
11-28 08:53:18.837 27628-27628/? E/ResourceType: Style contains key with bad entry: 0x0101056c
11-28 08:53:18.837 27628-27628/? E/ResourceType: Style contains key with bad entry: 0x0101056d
11-28 08:53:18.837 27628-27628/? E/ResourceType: Style contains key with bad entry: 0x0101058c

It gives the same arrors consistently for either on or off

I tested this in the nayive Poweramp skins too. Is this something to be rectified? or can it be ignored


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