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Increasing image size in play screen


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Trying out Poweramp before I buy ut.  Is there anyway to increase the album image size in the play screen?   I found a way, but then the title goes through the middle of it.  If I move the title to the bottom of the image, the image returns to normal. Are there minimalistic player controls that do not take up a lot of room that would allow titles to be out of the enlarged image?  All the controls take nearly half the screen.  Also, how to remove the thumbs up and down from the screen.

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@ScttLee, yes, fyi the paid version has even additional refinements such as  a no, small, medium larger margin for albumart, none, small, larger, round albumart corners, hide track name and or album artist text and hundreds of other combinations and colours.

In my view the most versatile skin on the market and under continuous development

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