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Playlists duplicated


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Hi there,

I have Poweramp scanning a folder with some m3u playlists generated by an external software. It works fine until I modify those playlist adding/removing tracks (using the external software). After a new scanning, Poweramp picks the new version but import them as  new playlists, keeping the old version in the database. Is it possible to just keep the latest version instead of manually having to delete them everytime?

Less important, is it possible to hide the playlist .m3u extension from the UI?


Many thanks,


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Have you got the option to clean up unresolved playlists enabled? In Settings > Library > Playlists ?

I have "Remove Playlist Entries On Track Deletion" and "Resolve Playlist Entries" enabled.


Are all three playlists different files (i.e. different source files and/or contents?)

There is just one "Running.m3u" file in my sd card. Everytime I sync it with a new version, a new "Running.m3u" playlist appears in Poweramp with the songs of the new version. The other copies of the playlist match older versions.




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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
10 minutes ago, icruces said:

No difference, still see the duplication. How Poweramp decide if it is a new Playlist? Obviously is not only based on the name.

It certainly used to be just by filename (including location), and the in-memory copy would get re-updated if the file modification information changes.


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  • 2 years later...
  • 2 years later...

This thread is old, but I've recently encountered a similiar issue. I maintain playlists on my main desktop in MusicBee, and I have automatic exporting of a static copy enabled in MusicBee, which exports a .m3u playlist. These .m3u files then get synced to my phone using Syncthing. I recently reinstalled Windows on my desktop, so I had to create new Syncthing folders as well. That's when duplicate playlists started appearing in Poweramp.

It turns out when setting up Syncthing on the phone side, I accidentally enabled file versioning. This created an additional folder '.stversions' in the music folder, which stores a previous version of the .m3u playlists when a newer version gets synced. When scannning, Poweramp picked them up automatically, and added them to the library. Since it's a different file, Poweramp also stores it as a different playlist. The solution is to either exclude the folder, or disable file versioning in Syncthing altogether.

Even if you're not using Syncthing, look for a similiar option in your sync software.

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@viktorrko Yes, if you (or your sync software) create duplicate copies of music files or playlists, Poweramp will pick them up during its next scan and you'll see duplicate entries.

Disabling such a backup folder in the Music Folders list will work, but you need to be careful that you don't also lose the desired contents of the main folder too, as the chosen selection will no longer be for "a folder and all is files and subfolders".


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