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Gapless MP3 Playback Not Working Again


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I know this has been brought up before and it seemed to be fixed and perfect for me until the last 2 updates. I have a lot of music (movie scores... think modern classical) where one track leads into the next seamlessly. But after the last 2 updates, there's a tiny gap between the tracks that didn't used to be there. The weird part is that it seems to only be happening on mp3's and not my lossless files (alac or m4a)

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Please check if you need to increase Gapless Preload in Poweramp settings.
If there is a particular couple of tracks which always fail to play gaplessly for you, please share them for tests (gpmaxmpz@gmail.com).

(There is no gapless “standards” for many formats, gapless detection for them is based purely on the tracks “in the wild”).

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