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Transferring all music from SD Card to PC. How do I keep all my songs in my playlist?


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I went through and deleted all the songs I don't listen to on my phone so I wanted to copy them to my PC and I am going to copy them straight from the SD card but last time I did something similar all my playlists in Poweramp were empty. Resolving playlists didn't work so I want to make sure I don't have to go through them and manually add the songs again. If I do have to do that is there anyway I can have a text list of all the songs instead of relying on screenshotting the list?

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First of all, the latest versions of Poweramp are much cleverer in resolving playlists. You must ensure however that they are exported from Poweramp (or other apps) in a .m3u or .m3u8 format. These are simple text files so you will not lose anything. Poweramp will try and interpret these. In addition, make sure the file structure / hierarchy of your music remains  the same ie retain folders ans subfolders. You should have no problems.

Ps ensure Poweramp is able to scan the folder where you place the .m3u playlists. Once they reappear in Poweramp, copy them somewhere else as backups.

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