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Как активировать программу?


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Купил через сайт http://powerampapp.com/. На почту пришло письмо:

Thank you for using PayPro, the secure online ordering system.

Your purchase details are as follows:


| |Product Name |Unit Price |Quantity|Total Price |


| 1 |Poweramp Full Version Unlocker |40.24 UAH |1 |40.24 UAH |


Total Purchase Price:40.24 UAH (4.99 USD)

First, please download and install latest Poweramp Trial application here:


Please do the following to install/activate Poweramp Full Version Unlocker:

ensure you have Unknown Sources enabled in Android Applications Settings

in your phone browser open this temporary link (it will disappear in few days, but you can request the link again via email) to download Unlocker:

Full Version Unlocker

open/install downloaded Unlocker APK file via Downloads screen in browser.

start Poweramp as usual. The license is checked once and cached for 4 months.

Your product can be activated on the phone with Google Account:

На какую временную ссылку нажимать для скачки Unlocker-а? там только одна ссылка по которой загружается триал


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