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Is it possible for a skin to move the track list left to hide the album arts?


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I've been wanting this simple tracklist look reminiscence of Poweramp V2, requested it in feature request but max said that in the app the elements just move into different places, there's no removal of any elements (like when you press on a track, the elements of album arts, title, artist, etc. just move from track list into the Now Playing), so if you remove the album art in track list, it'll gone in Now Playing too.


So, instead of removing it altogether, how about move the elements to the far left to achieve this look? can a skin do this?


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@maxmp has mentioned in the past that the Album Art area in lists is also used for multi-selection of items (via long press), so removing the artwork would cause other interface issues.

Perhaps sometime in the future, it might be possible for the main app to highlight the whole line of each selected entry when choosing multiple items, rather than using a tickbox at all? My file explorer app does it that way, and it works very well without using up any space from the filename or obscuring any content. 


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