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Bigger/higher contrast track details in lock screen/player


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In the main player screen and lock screen the artist and album details are printed in a pale grey/blue text using light strokes on a dark background, making it very hard to read on my HTC Desire (and, I suspect, many other small screen devices) in normal or filtered daylight. The song title is printed in larger, bold trext and is easier to read, but I would still prefer it to be either larger or higher contrast. I'd like to be able to quickly check the artist or album at a glance, and that's just not possible for me right now.

I'd really like to see an option to change either the text or background colour, or perhaps choose a larger font or one with a heavier stroke weight.

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PowerAMP 2.0 default skins have indeed more contrast. You won't believe though how many requests I got to restore color back like it was in PowerAMP 1.x. Though, Classic skin brings it back.

Also, there are plans to bring more (downloadable) themes for PowerAMP 2.0, including at least 3 font color variations of standard themes.


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