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Music going silent


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Device fiio m11

Android 7.0


When I select the hi-res output and  play a song and try to skip to next song from the device hard buttons the sound stop while playing but I hear the beeps while trying. I have to change the output back and forward or take headphones out to get sound back 

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Does anyone actually like beeping sounds when you press buttons I wonder? It's the first thing I turn off in any app or device that I own, they annoy the heck out of me. I guess they could be useful as an Accessibility Aid, but I'd suggest that the default ought to be off for new installs.


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16 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Does anyone actually like beeping sounds when you press buttons I wonder? It's the first thing I turn off in any app or device that I own, they annoy the heck out of me. I guess they could be useful as an Accessibility Aid, but I'd suggest that the default ought to be off for new installs.


It's a common feature on MP3 players and such, it's reminiscent of walkmans and handheld CD players that always used to beep when you clicked the remote.  Now though, it's mostly just an annoyance, but I suppose if you like to have confirmation of your button presses being recognized (perhaps you have finicky headphones) then the option is there.

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Oh I agree, and it's always been optional. I was just wondering if anyone actually liked it.

I categorise it the same way as on-screen brightness/volume/etc graphics on TVs. If I want to nudge the volume up or down a little bit while watching something dramatic, I don't want a garish purple band floating over the picture!


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