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Disable "Delete Files" Button

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When removing tracks you can delete the tracks, or you can "delete files". I would love to be able to disable or hide the "delete files" option. I'm always worried I'll click it by mistake. Disabling would grey the option out so it can't be clicked. Hiding it would disable the option, and not present it so it can't be clicked or seen.

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Delete Files already has an extra confirmation prompt, so you can't do it by accident (even if you select it from the Remove File from Playlist option, you will still be prompted before file deletion). I do think the wording could be improved upon a bit though.

In PA v2 there was an option to hide the Delete File option completely, as you ask, but that option never made it over into v3.


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1 hour ago, w3wilkes said:

I thought that Settings -> Library -> Lists -> "Delete Action" would globally disable the ability to delete files within PA.

Ooops, my bad, I thought that feature hadn't made it over from v2. That'll teach me not to double-check before posting.


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