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From the creators of Material 2... A new skin: Oxygen!


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14 hours ago, Nightshade Ghostaltar said:

Cast button is missing from Material 2 skin for a long time , is it working on this skin? Cast is there in all other skins I have btw except Material  2, not a big deal or anything just wondering :)

Could you please provide more information about it? I have it working on my device with Material 2.

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Nothing much to say really Gcantoni, it's just not there, Well it Kinda is...and kinda is not lol, I have it set to show on menu not over artwork, and that works fine on other skins, but on M2 there is no cast button in menu but instead does show over artwork even though it's set to not do that, As I said, not a big deal at all man but just was wondering is the new skin the same, 2 images attached taken a few seconds after each other showing M2 and another skin, Cast is set to show on menu only and not on artwork, other skin does it correctly ( as all others do I think) and shows in menu and not over art,  M2 shows nothing in menue at all and instead does show over art.



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