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Option for "Album Artist" category to display "Artist" tags for tracks


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Hello! I've been using Poweramp for a while, and I'm really growing accustomed to it (especially with the native Hi-Fi output support, no more static in high impedance mode as I used to get on other players). But this specific issue has been bothering me, and it seems like I'm not the only one. Looking it up brings me this post, this post, and this recent reply (and now that I look at it, with @invaderzim on all of them. Hello!). Though I'm making a new post because I don't want to necro/hijack the other ones.

I'm not sure how dependent most people are on the separate definitions of Artist and Album Artist, but for 90% of my music, it's pretty much essential. Most of my music are groups consisting of several artists, so not being able to see the Artist tag really handicaps my browsing efficiency.

For example, an album by HARDCORE TANO*C:


The first is the what you see when entering the "Album" category or using the search function, while the second is what you see in the "Album Artist" category.

It makes it much harder to identify each track, and if I was looking for "that one song Hommarju did in that album by TANO*C", if I didn't remember the track name immediately I'd have guess-click the various tracks until I find it (which I can't even do if I didn't want to interrupt the playing song and wanted to add the song into my queue). Aside from this, I also think repeating the album artist for each track is fairly redundant, and showing more detail won't hurt.

EDIT: It would also make sense for this setting to carry over to the player too, as in if this was enabled, the album artist won't replace the artist on the screen.

Anyways, thanks again!

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17 minutes ago, cak3 said:

Hello! I've been using Poweramp for a while, and I'm really growing accustomed to it (especially with the native Hi-Fi output support, no more static in high impedance mode as I used to get on other players). But this specific issue has been bothering me, and it seems like I'm not the only one. Looking it up brings me this post, this post, and this recent reply (and now that I look at it, with @invaderzim on all of them. Hello!). Though I'm making a new post because I don't want to necro/hijack the other ones.

I'm not sure how dependent most people are on the separate definitions of Artist and Album Artist, but for 90% of my music, it's pretty much essential. Most of my music are groups consisting of several artists, so not being able to see the Artist tag really handicaps my browsing efficiency.

For example, an album by HARDCORE TANO*C:


The first is the what you see when entering the "Album" category or using the search function, while right is what you see in the "Album Artist" category.

It makes it much harder to identify each track, and if I was looking for "that one song Hommarju did in that album by TANO*C", if I didn't remember the track name immediately I'd have guess-click the various tracks until I find it (which I can't even do if I didn't want to interrupt the playing song and wanted to add the song into my queue). Aside from this, I also think repeating the album artist for each track is fairly redundant, and showing more detail won't hurt.

Anyways, thanks again!


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I tend to agree. In any song lists (in any category) PA should always display the Track Artist next to each song - both in lists and on the Player screen. Unless there is no Track Artist tag, in which case it should fall back to trying to use Album Artist if possible before displaying Unknown Artist. The Album Artist tag should only be used in lists of albums, and in the header area of any album-based list of songs.

Have you looked at the options in Settings > Library > Lists by the way? Specifically, Album Artist Label for Tracks and Album Artist Label for Albums?


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38 minutes ago, andrewilley said:

Have you looked at the options in Settings > Library > Lists by the way? Specifically, Album Artist Label for Tracks and Album Artist Label for Albums?

I have indeed, but they don't tackle the main issue for me. "Album Artist Label for Albums" is useful when browsing the normal "Artists" category to identify the group of each album they participated in (and just more logical than the alternative), but doesn't affect the "Album Artists" category when enabled/disabled. And "Album Artist Label for Tracks" is exactly what I don't want lol

What you say I agree with 100%. "Album Artist" performs the main role of grouping all songs of different artist fields properly, so it not only will have much less detail than the Artist field, but sometimes it may even be confusing (a single track showing it's artist field as "Various Artists" probably won't convey much to the user).

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On 6/5/2019 at 2:25 AM, MotleyG said:

Please make this a user selectable option at least

I agree, and personally I can't even see the need for it to be an option.

IMHO, if there is a valid Artist tag for a track, then I can't see any logical reason to ever want to display Album Artist tag info next to a song title. In the Album header info, sure, that's where Album Artist details belong, but never in the song info line.


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17 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I agree, and personally I can't even see the need for it to be an option.

IMHO, if there is a valid Artist tag for a track, then I can't see any logical reason to ever want to display Album Artist tag info next to a song title. In the Album header info, sure, that's where Album Artist details belong, but never in the song info line.


Right on!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right, Album Artist category forces album artist tag on tracks played from it. This is mostly to match actual selected album artist everywhere. 

I guess, I can add another option just for Album Artist category (Album Artist Label for Album Artists category), checked by default. Unchecking it will result in artists tag used for this category as well (the same way 2 other Album Artist options work).

Thanks for the request. The option is a minor one and will be added to the next (non-bug-fix-only) build.

PS Ideally, title/artist line/meta fields should be selectable (from a list of available tags/info). But, as these should be selectable per category type, UI for this gets complicated fast. 

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1 minute ago, maxmp said:

Right, Album Artist category forces album artist tag on tracks played from it. This is mostly to match actual selected album artist everywhere. 

I guess, I can add another option just for Album Artist category (Album Artist Label for Album Artists category), checked by default. Unchecking it will result in artists tag used for this category as well (the same way 2 other Album Artist options work).

Thanks for the request. The option is a minor one and will be added to the next (non-bug-fix-only) build.

Max! Max! Salamat from PHL!

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1 hour ago, maxmp said:

Right, Album Artist category forces album artist tag on tracks played from it. This is mostly to match actual selected album artist everywhere. 

I guess, I can add another option just for Album Artist category (Album Artist Label for Album Artists category), checked by default. Unchecking it will result in artists tag used for this category as well (the same way 2 other Album Artist options work).

Thanks for the request. The option is a minor one and will be added to the next (non-bug-fix-only) build.

PS Ideally, title/artist line/meta fields should be selectable (from a list of available tags/info). But, as these should be selectable per category type, UI for this gets complicated fast. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
38 minutes ago, invaderzim said:

Finally! 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽 Salamat, Max!

I think it should really be the default action though. I can't think of any logical reason for anyone to want to display Album Artist (e.g. "Various Artists") instead of an actual Track Artist tag within the any song info area.


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3 hours ago, andrewilley said:

I think it should really be the default action though. I can't think of any logical reason for anyone to want to display Album Artist (e.g. "Various Artists") instead of an actual Track Artist tag within the any song info area.


You're right, Andre. The new feature "Album Artist Label for Album Artist Tracks" should be disabled by default. Anyhow, just thankful Max added this and it's worth the wait. Was able to enjoy playing tracks over the Album Artist library even more.

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