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Odd Google Assistant behavior


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I've been trying to use Google Assistant with Poweramp but have ran into odd behavior.  I try to use a command like "Play album (name of album)", and while it starts playing it's typically the first alphabetically named track of the album and does not add the full album.  Is there anyway to have it add the full album to the playlist and start with numerical order?

Thank you.

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  • 1 year later...
5 hours ago, w3wilkes said:

Sounds like your album song sort method is set to alphabetical rather than by track number.

To confirm:

Have you tried using Google assistant to play something with a phrase like "Play [album name] album by [artist]" and have it work properly?  Outside of voice controls it works properly, the only work around I'm familiar with for voice control is having it play a specific track by an artist on the album and THAT will load the album into the queue in the proper order.

I have never been able to use voice control to load an album properly outside of that, and it's generally poor behavior.  If Poweramp didn't function so well in other key areas I'd have moved to a different player that honors intents from assistant properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK so I just tried to play an album via Google Assistant while not plugged into Android Auto - the album played incorrectly, beginning with the first song Alphabetically on the album and then playing every song in my library thereafter (ie, Limelight, several live versions of Limelight, the next song beginning with L, and so on).

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  • 2 months later...

I have an issue that may be related to this, and may shed some light. I found that when I say "Play album [album name]" it works as expected. When I say "Play [album name]" (without saying the word "album" in there), then it behaves as described above. It plays one song from the album, then plays the next song from my library alphabetically, which is usually from a different album.

The wrinkle here, in my case, is that I can't get it to play albums that have spaces in the name using the "play album" command. I can say "play [album name with spaces in it]" and it will play one song from the albumand then it will play a song from some other album. See bug report over here:



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