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Love PowerAmp, two suggestions...


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Hey, just discovered Poweramp and I am so impressed by it! It rocks and is so far the best player I have seen and tried out, I love it!

Great work!!! And keep it going!

I noticed one thing that I would like being implemented in a future upgrade...24h-option on the lockscreen, for the time, that would

work better for us here in Sweden! And also, an option to choose to queue tracks to a playlist that you are already playing, like in the

Winamp-app just released for Android. It's often that I listen to an album, and want to add new tracks to the playlist or album. The

queue-function is great! Just some ideas!

Keep it going!!!

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Funny, I was just going to start a post with that same title...

Poweramp is great, one of the few purchases I have made. Here are my two cents/suggestions:

-Please make lockscreen more like a 'real' lockscreen, at least so it responds to trackball wake and unlock when enabled under cyanogenmod..

-Ability to sort all songs. I don't use folders, only have the one, but I add a few songs every week to it, and while I usually shuffle the whole folder all the time, I would really like to be able to view/play the folder by 'date added'..

Thanks and keep up the good work!

Yeah sorry I only saw this option after and reworked my library into a few folders only (instead of a folder per artist like itunes or doubletwist has it) and this is fine for me, thanks!

For the lockscreen I guess you have your hands full with people asking you left and right for different things but on my nexus 1 I have CM and I use the trackball to wake and unlock (unlock by double clicking). If the Poweramp lockscreen was unlocked by this (it gets woken, so I see the lockscreen, but a second trackball click doesn't unlock) it would really suit all my needs, thanks!


24h/12h mode should be taken from the system properties, basically it should show the same time format as other clocks.

As for other feature(s) you can check my TODO list here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=172

Hey and thanks for replying! :-)

I don't know why my lockscreen shows the english am/pm-time, when I don't use it on my phone in the settings and so on. The original lockscreen shows the time as we use it here in Sweden, 24-hours. Is there anything else that I have to change to make it work in Poweramp lockscreen as well?


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