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sort trackes by track# and folders by date added? possible?

Min Sik

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HI. As a newby so much to learn. 
I can make tracks sort in track number but then when going back one level to the folders that contains those tracks i cant make them sort in ay other order than alphabetical. The sort order seems to be an option that applies but doesnt work. 

Have i missunderstood. I turn off the settings that refers to name alphabetisation but doesnt make any difference. 

when making a list of folders sort diferently, which they done! Its only the files in those folders that sort.  

any clues on how to make this occur? thanks.

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3 hours ago, Min Sik said:

I can make tracks sort in track number but then when going back one level to the folders that contains those tracks i cant make them sort in ay other order than alphabetical. The sort order seems to be an option that applies but doesnt work. 

You mean the sort order in list options doesn't work when you look at the folders in the library ?

Or do you miss options ?


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Poweramp only stores date information per-file, not per folder. So if you select data-order for a folder, it will work from the date-added of the first file it finds within that folder to sort it by. This may or may not give you the results you expect, depending on whether the files within the folder have been updated since the folder was created.


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37 minutes ago, w3wilkes said:

This begs the question of "what was the intent of List options in Folder view of By date added"? If it's not to list folders by the date they were added, then what exactly is it?

It's a generic option available in multiple categories. It's a bit like Album view artwork. There is not artwork assigned to a whole album (other that folder based images files) and it is embedded per-track, so PA just chooses one track and uses that for the album. In the same way, folder dates are based on the date of some item within the folder.


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