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Font Size of Title and Artist


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I am using Poweramp as music player in my car. In Version 2 I could download skins which had a reasonable size to show the artist names and title info. 

I am using now V3 820 in landscape with alternative layout. It shows the title and artist nice in the top right corner but the letters far to small to read them without causing a car accident.

I tried all settings in Android but none take effect on the font size. I would really appreciate a skin or an option which resolves that. Scrolling bigger titles would be nice too.


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  • 11 months later...

I have the same suggestion, I love power amp I have been using it for 7 years. But the user interface. When you pinch to make the fonts bigger it makes the artist circle or album art bigger, don't get me wrong Iove my album art. But that size ratio to fonts make you have to scroll alot more. But you not scrolling alot of artists or words just giant pictures & covers very hard while driving. Thank you

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Things have moved on since maxmp has implented fonts. In my skins Yaps i have made a range of fonts available.. When it comes to font sizes, my paid app allows you to set the size of track title, album/artist independantly. Furthermore, you can increase the text of the metadata as well as text in library views.

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