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Playing Playlists

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I'm using the trial version that I loaded in order to listen to my WMA files. It does that well. I have added some tracks to folder playlists, but I can't find a way to view/play the folder playlists. The Library playlists work fine, but most of my files are WMA, so I prefer to use the Folder view. I would also like to view by Genre, which should be available, since the tag is there. How do I do that. (I'm using it on an Acer A500)

- Conrad

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Folder playlists are playlists created by users with songs from Folders. Basically, it's the same as just library/other players user created playlists, but Folder Playlists can include "non standard" music formats.

PowerAMP v2.0 unifies these, there is only on Playlist list, no division by Folder and library, in fact, there won't be library playlists anymore as PowerAMP v2.0 doesn't use system library (but it's still possible to import/export playlists to/from library).


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