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Add networking to folder options


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I am already up to a 256 gig microsd for my phone and my music exceeds this.  I could use a wireless hard drive to store music for playback but Poweramp only looks on the local and microsd for music files...A lot of my music is in high resolution flac so the file sizes are very large and I am digitizing my vinyl which will eventually translate into 500 GB or more of data.

I have file managers that can utilize networking so can we get Poweramp on board?



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The problem is that Poweramp's music list (and any things you do to that music, such a ratings/etc) is based around a local library database, which is scanned and then presented to the user as a fixed list until the next rescan. Transient sources such as network or streamed locations are not guaranteed to be available all of the time, which would be a problem for the current database-driven model.


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