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When does the count of the most played songs begun?


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I've been waiting for so long for a 'most played songs' feature, so thank you very much for this!

The thing is, the count is totally incoherent... A song that fairly recently entered my phone has 24 listenings, while some songs that have been in SD card / phone / Poweramp for years have a total of 1 listening! That's basically impossible. Also, my second most played song, which is displayed to have 14 listenings, didn't rise to 15 listenings when I listened to it yesterday.


So, here are my questions:


- When does the count of the most played songs begun?

- Is it possible to make the count start at the date on which I bought Poweramp?

- Is it possible to reset the count (so I can, for example, have a fresh start on the 1st of January)?


I really adore this feature, but if it's imprecise, it becomes kinda pointless...


Thanks by advance for your answers!

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Thank you! I'd love answers for the rest of my questions, but that's a good start, as I'll be able to start the count on the 1st of January to have a yearly stat. Now let's just hope it will *actually* count my listenings, not like how it did previously.

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