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AAC tags not being read on v3


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I have asked the question a couple of times on the forum, but I am left unanswered to this date.


I have had this issue with the beta builds and currently the stable release. Tags from my aac files aren't being read by PA. I purchased this app because it was the only one that satisfyingly played my music. V2 works great. But why and how doesn't v3 not read the tags anymore? 

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- there are no such things as AAC tags
- Poweramp supports id3 v1/v2 and ape tags in AAC
- Poweramp has limits on tag size (e.g. huge album art can cause tag not to be read)
- if you're absolutely sure it's id3 v1/v2 or ape tag, there is no huge album art, and tags are not read by Poweramp v3 build 814+, please send such track via PM messaging here on forum for tests.

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Anecdotally, I've always found AAC files and metadata seem to present proportionally more issues here in the forums than other file formats do. Bless Apple.

(Personally I won't have iTunes on any of my computers or other devices, and apart from some test files I have no  AAC files either)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually facing the same scenario, i been using Poweramp a few years already, most of my library still aac due space reasons, on v2 no problem whatsoever but v3 not even allowing me to edit. I've tested to change tags on pc and still not being able to have them read on v3.. cleared data a few times just in case. Nothing seems to work.

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Yes i did and it worked, but 1 it increases the size which was the idea of aac in the first place same file almost 40% less, and second i have a lot of files to do so, which will be a pain to do, i've been using PA mostly due this, was the only one reading properly my library.. i mean, i can live with this but if it was working fine..

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First of all m4a extension is an ordinary and default one. Secondly as far as i know the extension itself doesn't increase file size, it's setting of the encoder which determine the quality to size ratio. And if you encode in the bulk from FLACs it won't be a great problem. Also you can reconvert your files aac to m4a, in theory it won't affect much the quality.

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20 minutes ago, KTOuy said:

Well i was converting the file not just changing the extension. I did a few tests and it changed the size, by no means i am an expert here but i believe has something to do with the audio compression.

Then if you could upload a couple of example files that don't work, perhaps it might be possible to find out why.


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Appreciate the help, but technically that would be distributing copyrighted stuff.. let me see if i can gather some other example files.. which i dont have right now... Either way i think will be easier for me just to reconvert my library to m4a or something else

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5 hours ago, NickIst said:

And what command line of the encoder are you using?

For that sample file i did not encode anything just downloaded a sample file. 

I believe some of my library was converted using Aimp converter.

Not sure what do you mean with command line :s

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1 hour ago, KTOuy said:

Not sure what do you mean with command line

That explains why you think that extension affects size. In AIMP there is also a command line (at least in my language it's called like that) in which encoding parametres are writtten down.

That's how it looks in MusicBee


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Gotcha, didn't knew about those parameters, when I've use it to convert i just set the bitrate (quality) and that's it.. i think that's what confused me i must have done it at really low.. either way Thanks!

I will play around with that and see what can be done with my library.

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