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Lock Screen Poweramp Player is frozen


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Hi Poweramp team,

firstly, thanks for the updates in recent time.

I'm running into the issue, that if I have the lock screen function enabled (album art + controls inside the lock screen), the view is frozen.

In other words: when I turn on my screen from sleep, I can hear the music, but the progress bar is still where it was last time. Using the controls works, but the view is still frozen (still see the album art from when I turned the screen off).

Couldn't replicate the bug with a specific set of actions. It happens very frequently (80% of the time) and randomly.


Hope you guys could fix that issue. Thanks in advance.



Phone: Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact

OS: Android 9 / 52.0.A.3.84

Country: Germany



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Visualizations are off.

Same goes when I lock my screen in list view; the list is static, while I can drag down the nofification bar normally. Only Poweramp is frozen (visually).

EDIT: Just downloaded the most recent version (v3-build-812-play) and it didn't fix the issue yet.

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Update: Problem seems to be gone now. I did cleared the app cache and a reboot.


Sorry if I am posting in the section (I am new here). I am also having same issues after updating to v3-build-812-play. I have tried disabling the battery optimizations and also locking the app in memory, but still the song stops after about 2-3 minutes. Before this update everything was fine.


Device- Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Snapdragon 3GB, running MIUI 9 Android MM.


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