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Wired Headset audio track deletion


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Poweramp already have delete function. But it take lots of manipulation to do that.
And if you listen music every day due road to work etc it become pretty annoying.

01. Dig to pocket for a phone.

02. Unlock phone.

03. Press on a screen for a couple sec.

04. Confirm file delete operation.

05. Lock phone.

06. Put phone in to a pocket.

Repeat each time the crappy track appear in discography of an artist.


And if you a men of a music you definitely doesn't listen all kind of trash. You delete it on a fly. So only good music and healthy ears stays.

So if its possible to add option to delete files via wired headset( a long button press for example) without confirmation it would become awesome.

There are no music players that can do such a move now on a market. And there are a lot of people that search for such an option.


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