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Problemas com a compra feita quando ainda era Poweramp 2


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Poweramp diz que não tem nenhuma compra para meu e-mail, mas tem. Comprei Poweramp quando ainda era v2 e agora não consigo ativa-lo. Presenciei este erro em build 809 e 810

Poweramp says that it has no purchase for my email, but it has. I bought Poweramp when it was still v2 and now I can not activate it. I saw this error in build 809 and 810

Purchase e-mail: o****0@gmail.com

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I assume you mean you purchased PA from the website, not from the Google Play store? Please use the Already Purchased? option in the app, for which you will need the ID from your purchase email. If you no longer have that ID, please contact poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com and they will email you another confirmation.


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