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Queue vs. Now Playing

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For the record I love Poweramp, but I am questioning the need for a music queue AND a "now playing" mode. Why do we need both? I might not be naming these appropriately, so here's an explanation...

Queue: If you "enqueue" an album or artist, it places the music in a sort of temporary playlist, and you can move tracks around, add more, remove some, etc. Very flexible.

Now Playing: When I browse my music and play an album, nothing gets queued, but the whole album is essentially queued and will play straight away from the song I select to the end of the album. I call this now playing. Winamp for the PC operates this way, my two old Creative Zen MP3 players too, and I from what I've heard so do iDevices. However in Poweramp the ability to move tracks, add more, remove some, etc does not exist in this mode. I have my settings set so I can enqueue a song, album, artist or even an entire genre after what might be "now playing" and it will start only when what is now playing is done.

Wouldn't it just be better to merge these? Perhaps automatic queueing of sorts? Is there a setting that allows auto enqueueing? I can't find it...

I feel like I'm the only one who wants this, yet my Cowon S9 MP3 player (which I came from before using my Android as my full time personal music player) operated the same as this.

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I agree with you. I would prefer to have whatever album/artist I select to play automatically clear the queue and add my selection. Then have the ability to add to that list. It works this way now, it just requires a couple of extra taps to make it happen. I like the way PlayerPro for Android handles it. I had suggested it a couple times when the queue feature was first added, and it didn't seem to bother anybody else.

Can't wait for 2.0!!!

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Thanks for posting! :)

It works this way now, it just requires a couple of extra taps to make it happen.

I think I know what you mean, but it's kind of going out of the way to do so.

I will sus out PlayerPro. :)

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  • 4 months later...


My squeezebox operates this way. On my squeezebox, I can start listening to an album by clicking on it. As I'm listening, if I decide I'd like to listen to something else once the current album is complete, I can select another album, and chose if I'd like to listen to it immediately or if I'd like to add it to the end. I don't have to start playing the first album in from some special queue.

I know I can get this functionality out of Poweramp, but I first have to clear my queue, add an album to the queue, start playing from the queue, and then add music to the queue. It's very cumbersome. The iPod is the same way and it always annoyed me. You need to know upfront whether or not you will want to add to what you are currently listening to because if you don't start playing from the queue (equivalent to the "on-the-go" playlist on the iPod), you're hosed.

I think there should just be a "now playing" list. If something is currently playing, you should be able to browse more music and be able to add something else to the "now playing" list, or immediately start playing it if you so choose.

Perhaps a context menu could be brought up via a long tap to provide this option.

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I am a newby to Poweramp (which I love) and the queue has always confused me. This discussion has helped me understand it a little better. So here's my question. How do you delete the queue without going to each individual item in the queue and deleting it? Right now I have 172 items in the queue and I don't have the patience to go through and delete each one individually.

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When you are in the queue just press the menu button: "clear q" is what you are looking for.

A short comment to the origin topic: what is exactlyit what you cannot do with Poweramp and its queue? You can listen to your lists, you can move from list to list even in shuffle or normal mode and for creation of special lists (mixed tracks or mixed albums) you have the queue. I am just not able to see what you are missing and why?

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  • 6 months later...

A short comment to the origin topic: what is exactlyit what you cannot do with Poweramp and its queue? You can listen to your lists, you can move from list to list even in shuffle or normal mode and for creation of special lists (mixed tracks or mixed albums) you have the queue. I am just not able to see what you are missing and why?

Sorry for the late reply.

Here's a quick summary answer: I do not have the flexibility of moving tracks around when playing music "on the fly" as opposed to a queued list. So if I'm playing music without queueing it, then I add music to a queue (which will start after the "on the fly" music), I have in a sense, two "lists."

Long answer: If I am in the Library and pick an artist, then album and play a song from there I've sort of already decided that I won't be able to have the flexibility of the queued method. I can enqueue music to play AFTER what I have just started to play finishes, but only then will the queue start and only then will I have some of that flexibility. So I'm suggesting that when I pick music to play from the Library, it is automatically placed in a queued method, so when I queue more stuff up it's all apart of the same queue. Get me?

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