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Queue Start After Current Folder


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Poweramp used to provide an option to start the queue after the current folder. For some reason, that's been removed, leaving only the options to start immediately or after the current song.

That feature needs to be restored. The Queue is virtually useless to me without it.

I use the queue when I'm in the middle of playing a folder and I'm about to get in the car for a drive. If I'll be driving longer than the remaining songs in the folder, then I queue up the next folder so I can continue to listen without having to pull over and manually start the music. 

I also use it when I'm doing a cardio workout at the gym. I don't want to have to interrupt my cardio session to manually restart the music, so I queue up the next folder before I begin the workout.

I can do neither of these things with the new version. Please restore this feature.

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On 11/7/2018 at 2:27 PM, maxmp said:

Thanks for the request. In the next build queue was changed in regard to shuffle / repeat modes (queue now ignores those).

Added suggested queue option in todo list.

Good to hear it's being worked on.  I'd love to hear how you will be implementing it.  I agree with Hitmeister that it was great when the queue would start after the current list.  For me, the ability to shuffle a queue of music was essential, and I am really disappointed that it was taken away.  I'm hoping it will be restored, at least as an option.   Thanks.

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/7/2018 at 7:02 AM, hitmeister said:

Poweramp used to provide an option to start the queue after the current folder. For some reason, that's been removed, leaving only the options to start immediately or after the current song.

That feature needs to be restored. The Queue is virtually useless to me without it.

I use the queue when I'm in the middle of playing a folder and I'm about to get in the car for a drive. If I'll be driving longer than the remaining songs in the folder, then I queue up the next folder so I can continue to listen without having to pull over and manually start the music. 

I also use it when I'm doing a cardio workout at the gym. I don't want to have to interrupt my cardio session to manually restart the music, so I queue up the next folder before I begin the workout.

I can do neither of these things with the new version. Please restore this feature.


I totally second that, and i used to have the same usage of this feature on v2. Thanks Maxmp for working of it!

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  • 7 months later...

I want to revive this thread as I have been desperately wanting the return of this feature ever since it was removed, and it still appears to be absent. As others have said, it's very useful to be able to have an album (or other list) playing, then queue up a few more when it's practical to do so in order to not have to interrupt an activity like driving or cooking or exercise. Poweramp has been my favourite music player for years and it still is but this has impacted my enjoyment of an otherwise essentially perfect app. 

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This is indeed a great feature I miss from the old version. I have a question though, is there any way that it can be done so that you can choose which of the two modes (play after current or play after last) when you actually queue? winamp used to allow this. In Poweramp IIRC it was just a static setting. Maybe it's just me but sometimes I need both modes. The usecase mentioned here is very common: long trip, i want to listen to what's in my current list but at the end play this other queued album/list. But the other usecase is, i'm listening to this 3 hour-long playlist, but i really want to listen to this one song right after the current one before the list continues

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