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Poweramp starts playing by itself


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I have an Axon 7. Last week I installed LineageOS 16. So far it works great but I have small problem with Poweramp. Sometimes - maybe once, twice a day when I pull out the phone from my pocket I notice that Poweramp is turned on and is playing a song (probably last played one). I have my phone set on vibrate all the time so I don't notice it unless I look at the screen. It happens completely at random when the phone isn't doing anything in particular. Maybe it happens with another music apps for other people, I don't know. I read somewhere that it might be ROM sending MEDIA_PLAY signal because of some bugs or something but I disabled all the options that could have effect on this and it still happens... Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.


I asked the same question in the ROM thread on xda but I'm asking also here since someone may know what it is about.

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