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Problems verify purchase with unlocker google play


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Version 2.0.10 build 588

I purchased unlocker for full version off google play but every few days it will fail to open app and say unable to verify purchase.  When I click on verify purchase thru google it says it cant. If I try get support it does not verify either. 

If I uninstall app and unlocked it will start working again for a few days and here we go again. 

I just cleared my data cache for program and it's working again. But ive done this before and it is not a true fix. 

I put a screen shot showing my purchase from Google Play account history.  .

I very much enjoy using your app and am not wanting to use a different one but I can't use it with it not functioning and these patches to work a day or 2 is most annoying.  Also is screenshot of power amp settings showing verified now bc I just cleared the cache. 




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I assume none of the points in the FAQs on licencing apply to you, and that you are not using a very old Android version? It's also worth checking http://support.powerampapp.com/knowledgebase/articles/323557-is-internet-connection-required . If those don't help, please contact poweramp.maxmpz@gmail.com with your details. 


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