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MUST HAVE for Android Head Units

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In settings there should be an option like "Completely shut down & stop reacting media buttons when Poweramp closed."

Currently Poweramp V3 is nearly unusable with car android head units. In these headunits there is an application called "A2DP" for playing music from phones over bluetooth connection. If you try to open this application when Poweramp V3 is installed => A2DP instantly closes and Poweramp starts playing automatically. There is no way to open A2DP application. Same thing happens in different way if you try to use Radio application of head units. 


In settings there should be an option like "Completely shut down & stop reacting media buttons when Poweramp closed." so if i enabled this => When i close Poweramp it should completly close and stop reacting media buttons until i start Poweramp.


Strange thing is => Poweramp V2 doesnt have this problem.


Edit : There is an option about Poweramp service in settings but it doesnt work. After i close Poweramp completely (even i tried to kill proccess) Poweramp continues to react media buttons. 

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Poweramp just reacts on MEDIA_PLAY command send by the device. Many car units send MEDIA_PLAY right after BT device connection.
Also Poweramp was the last player played, as Android sends MEDIA* commands to the last active player only.

Also there is Resume on Bluetooth option in settings / Headset/Bluetooth, which you may want to disable. If this option not working, then your Android doesn't add any info about BT source of media commands to events, thus try to disable Resume On Wired Headset too.

In build 813 I restored the 3sec time window after BT connection when Poweramp doesn't accept media commands.
(You can verify the MEDIA_PLAY issue by temporarily disabling settings / Headset/Bluetooth / Respond To Buttons option.

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13 hours ago, maxmp said:

Poweramp just reacts on MEDIA_PLAY command send by the device. Many car units send MEDIA_PLAY right after BT device connection.
Also Poweramp was the last player played, as Android sends MEDIA* commands to the last active player only.

Also there is Resume on Bluetooth option in settings / Headset/Bluetooth, which you may want to disable. If this option not working, then your Android doesn't add any info about BT source of media commands to events, thus try to disable Resume On Wired Headset too.

In build 813 I restored the 3sec time window after BT connection when Poweramp doesn't accept media commands.
(You can verify the MEDIA_PLAY issue by temporarily disabling settings / Headset/Bluetooth / Respond To Buttons option.


I am using latest beta build 813 right now. I disable resume on bluetooth and resume on wired headset but not working when i launch a2dp program it closes unexpectedly.

when i disable respond to buttons option it works but i can not use car wheel buttons for prev/next track in this position :(

Any help? This problem occurs only in version 3 of Poweramp. I really like this player. Please help


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Ok, so some app (a2dp or how you call it. "A2DP" is a bluetooth profile/protocol, btw) sends MEDIA_PLAY command explicitly to Poweramp (as on modern Androids, system chooses last active player and routes commands to it). But you don't want to process just that command, but you still want to process it other commands (e.g. wheel controls).

Something can be done only if there is a way to distinguish that unwanted command vs your normal command. Some logs taken from the device (at the moment of unwanted command processing, at the time of normal command processing) may be helpful, but there is a chance both commands look the same.

Note that Poweramp v2 processes commands the same way. The only difference was (prior to build 814) the delay when Poweramp ignores MEDIA_PLAY commands after bluetooth connection (2s vs 3s). It's 3s. now in build 814.
(You can see different behavior v2 due to: other apps specifically handling v2; v3 target SDK level which changes something; etc.).

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