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Poweramp app weakness/lackness!

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Poweramp lackess:

1. No direct feedback option

2. No option to delete embedded album cover and no option to embed album cover in mp3. 

3. No option to automatically detect all songs and download all album cover at once. We have to wait  to play each 1000s songs, while getting connected to internet.

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Thanks for reply. Hope u r not angry. 

1. I do appreciate forum. In-app feedback option, would make things faster. I have seen many apps providing forum + in-app feedback option side by side.


2. Thanks for "tag editor". It really help me. But modifying Poweramp app which can also do "tag editor" would have been great. I have just used tag editor. They can play music too. But why? Because they want to expand their business with feature associated with it.

So, believe me why I say Tag Editor will be a future. Whether ur music app provide it or not. Other music application will start to provide it. Same thing with the mobile notch these days. People like growing change.

So, suck it up. ( & Don't sound angry ?)

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1 hour ago, pranav_bhattarai said:

1. I do appreciate forum. In-app feedback option, would make things faster. I have seen many apps providing forum + in-app feedback option side by side.

So, suck it up. ( & Don't sound angry ?)

There is a Get Support feature within the app, but it works by email there might be a longer delay in getting an answer than there is here in the forums where users (such as Theo Klink above) may give up their own time to help you if you ask nicely... 


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