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Move a song up/down in Playlist? Edit playlist in external editor possible?


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Assume I created a playlist and added 20 songs (from folder).

How can I move one song inside the playlist one position up or down?

Is it possible to edit a certain playlist in an external editor?

Where are playlist exactly stored?




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To move tracks in a playlist, long click, options appear at the bottom but also a drag icon on the track. Simply drag and drop  the track by click and drag the icon.

Poweramp has internal playlists and external ones known as file based. File based playlists have a .m3u or .m3u8 extension and can be edited with any text editor.

As far as i know, the only app that allows editing of Poweramp internal playlists is my app New Playlist Manager.

Finally, Poweramp internal playlists are held within its media database so you will not find them on your sdcard. M3u playlists can be saved anywhere as long as you tell Poweramp where to find them

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No, the questions were answered.

1. long click brings up



Can you see the handles on the right? Drag and drop.

2. s it possible to edit a certain playlist in an external editor?

Answer: Yes, As far as i know, the only app that allows editing of Poweramp internal playlists is my app New Playlist Manager.

3. Where are playlist exactly stored?

Answer: Poweramp internal playlists are held within its media database so you will not find them on your sdcard. M3u playlists can be saved anywhere as long as you tell Poweramp where to find them

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Thank you for the answer.

Now I know how the positioning icons looks like. However the Up/Down arrows do not show up by a long tap but I found a similar enabling in the upper right corner.

It works

An additional questions about the m3u playlists (refering No.3):

How do I save a currently internal playlist as m3u playlist and how do I tell Poweramp where to find these m3u playlists?

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