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How to add a new folders with *.mp3 songs?


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Assume I created (outside of Poweramp) on my Android Smartphone a folder and copied some *.mp3 files there.

How can I tell Poweramp App to show these songs on its entry/Start screen (resp. to show them inside Poweramp at all)?

I miss a menu "add folders to Poweramp music pool" or similar.


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50 minutes ago, pstein said:

Hmm, in my Settings (=3 dots in upper right corner) there is NO submenu/entry "Library".

How do I find it?

Settings is in the Three-Lines menu (lower right) not the three-dots menu. I know, it drives me potty too, but it's all to do with how Google Material Design wants apps to use contextual "Overflow Lists" rather than proper menus - whether that makes sense in the particular app or not.

Personally, I'd combine the two together and be done with it, placing Settings at the bottom of each three-dots menu. Having two menus on one page just adds unnecessary buttons and confusion - especially when the three-lines one really only has one regularly-used option in it (as Changelog and Get Support always used to be in the main Settings menu, they could very easily be moved back there). 


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