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Lyrics download and write to tag


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I searched a while till I found how Poweramp handles lyrics-tags: it is in the mp3-tag "LYRICS", very easy :)

When I need a unsynced Lyrics-Tag in a song, I use Vanilla Music with the Lyrics Plugin and write it with that.

A feature in Poweramp to download directly into the tag would be nice.

Android 7.0 with Poweramp beta-build-793-play (Full version).

Thanks, frank

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I have the lyrics which named follow this format "singer - name of the song" and they were put in the same folder with the music mp3 file but why my Poweramp coundn't gecognize the lyrics? 

My Poweramp is beta-build-793-play (Full version), can you tell me how did you modify the name of the lyrics?  I would be very grateful!!

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