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I don't understand for the life of me, why this feature was removed from the latest beta build 792 (793 on Playstore). This is a deal breaker for me, as I have many EQ presets custom tailored to different songs to which they (and some similar songs) are assigned to. I can imagine for somebody that has many different genres in their library, this could be very frustrating. I don't want to have to take my phone out, unlock it and scroll through EQ presets every 3 - 5min.

Currently I'm using alpha version 709 and was excited to see an update avaliable for beta, given the reduced functionality of the previous beta version. Only to be disappointed a vital fuction was removed.

I don't understand its removal, I never found it to be in the way or clutter up the app in any way. It greatly improves the way I experience my music, and is one of the things I used to mention when suggesting the app to friends. So, PLEASE BRING IT BACK. 

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