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New Icon?


New Icon?  

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  1. 1. New Icon?

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Hello, with the recent redesign, that we've all been waiting for, @maxmp said goodbye to Holo (may it rest in peace) however, a small piece of it is still left. There doesn't seem to be a new icon. Yes, it's adaptive, but design wise, it's still from good ol' Holo. While that may not be a priority right now (getting it stable is just a tad more important), a new icon is imo something worth thinking about. It's the first thing potential new customers see.

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The icon depends on your recognition and you can use the icon packs, as well as the image below. Of course, the only reason I used the icon pack was that the Poweramp icon was already semi-transparent, but it was not the other transparency, and an icon border around the icon The poweamp is, of course, appealing, and if the icon is semi-transparent, I would not use the icon pack. Of course, I'll see the priority now by completing the features and improving the sound settings as well as the half-transparent virtual button in the app to display the background video on the buttons. The data is semi-transparent, just like the status bar.


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On 8/23/2018 at 5:57 PM, fahim said:

According to me, logo/icon is an app's identity.. and identity should not be changed..

Oh please. Icons and logos get updated all the time. And with that huge redesign the identity of Poweramp has changed anyways. From a niche product that people use who just really care about audio quality and can live with outdated UIs to a high quality audio player that's attractive to the masses. I think the icon should reflect that change. 

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