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Albums and Tracks that begin with a "."

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seems Poweramp does not recognize album names or track names that begin with a period.

for example metallica's album "...And Justice For All" as well the song of the same name would not show up until i went into my music folder and renamed the album and then the track to "And Justice For All"

i used the search to try and find any threads on this. if there is one then please delete this thread but also please PM me the thread name so i can post my experience on it.

Thanks :ugeek:

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no worries. i am not knowledgeable of linux hehe. your app is so freaking juicy that not having the periods is of little consequence to me personally as long as your player keeps playing my .ogg files as it does. :D

just wanted to drop a line in case someone else had the same issue and was scratching their heads on how to work around it.

keep up the great work! your app has been the only one so far that i didn't even need the trial for more then a few songs to convince me to buy it.

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