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Stop after 1-Play and Quick playlist

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Pretty simple.

Stop after 1-Play feature

What: A play-option in the REPEAT section, that stops playback after the current song finishes. i.e. noncontinuous play i.e. prevents playing the next song

Why: Often I like to listen to just one song on my phone, just once, and I'd love not having to open up my phone each time and hit the pause button after a song finishes

How: First two are already in there, the third is what should be included

Repeat all songs

Repeat current song

Non-continuous play

Quick playlist

A feature to allow marking of songs and then adding those marked songs to a playlist. Unless someone can direct me to a faster way of creating a playlist than, 1) *hold song name* 2) *add to pl* 3) *select playlist*


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