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Does "keep service" help poweramp response to my headset?

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I'm using Nexus s, sometimes the original android music player will response to my headset button. I just read this faq viewtopic.php?f=1&t=810&p=3113#p3112

and i find an option "keep service" I'm wondering if i select this option, will Poweramp always response to my headset button? I think it should always be the "last application" when it keep service.

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first try the latest PowerAMP v1.4 - it has few tweaks in headset code which can help with your issue. Otherwise it may be some other app which interfere/intercepts headset events (other music players/online radios - in this case headset support in them should be disabled).

Keep service option is actually useful for lower-ish end devices - this can make it react faster after deep sleep by taking a bit more memory.


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