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Big Problem For Android Head Units in Cars


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I was using the old version of Poweramp V2 in my car (custom Android head unit) without any problem for a long time. When i saw the new version (792) i wanted to try it and i really loved it. I really liked the new gui and audio quality is perfect!. I absolutely want to use the new version in my car.


But unfortunately a small bug makes the new version completely unusable for my car. : (  I try to explain problem by comparing the old version of Poweramp.


In old version =>  In my android head unit;

                    -If my radio application and Poweramp closed and i press the physical button in my car (next-prev song) nothing happens.

                   - If my radio application running in background or foreground and i press these buttons radio channel changes.

                  -If Poweramp running in foreground or background(i can see the last music on notifications) and press these buttons Poweramp changes the song.

Unfortunelty in new version = >


                    -If my radio application and Poweramp closed and i press the physical button in my car (next-prev song) Poweramp starts playing!

                   - If my radio application running in background or foreground and i press these buttons radio application closes and Poweramp starts playing! So i can't use my radio application!

                  -If Poweramp running in foreground or background(i can see the last music on notifications) and press these buttons Poweramp changes the song. No problem here.

I tried to change settings but i can't solve this problem. I can disable response to physical buttons in Poweramp settings and i can use my radio application after that. But of course i want to use these buttons in Poweramp also.

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