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Poweramp not detecting all music


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Hi, this new version as well as several of the other releases no longer detect all my music files. They're all in 1 folder. It's only showing 1552 of 2100 on the SD card. Have tried different cards also. This has been an issue on phone and tablet with the last 6 or so alpha/beta releases. Any ideas why? All are mp3 and correctly tagged. edit......when reinstalling older version it finds all music, then when updating to newest release all the music will show but then go back to the 1552 after a short while.

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ok, thank you. i will try that. i may have found a fix though. seems to be reading all files. i set it to not skip any files under X ammt of seconds. i have no tracks under 6-0 seconds, but maybe its something in the embed of track itself idk, but seems to be working atm.

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2 hours ago, stevecovieo said:

ok, thank you. i will try that. i may have found a fix though. seems to be reading all files. i set it to not skip any files under X ammt of seconds. i have no tracks under 6-0 seconds, but maybe its something in the embed of track itself idk, but seems to be working atm.

Thanks for the tip, I was missing honey pie from the Beatles white album disc 2,that setting has returned it to the library.

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  • 2 weeks later...
52 minutes ago, stevecovieo said:

i think it has something to do with the embed info on the tracks. i have nothing separated. just one music folder and what i did with selecting hide no tracks less than X sec seems to have worked


Awesome, that worked! thanks!

I think you're right about the embedded info, when I check the song listing the song tracks are way off, some are listed as 1 second long for some reason even though they are regular 4-5 min tracks. Not sure why the track times are all over the place.

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  • 1 year later...

I figured out the perfect solution to this problem.

  1. Delete all *.cue files from your Music folders
  2. Change Ignore Short track with duration less than (seconds) to 0
  3. Reselect the music folder(s) in Poweramp
  4. Perform a Full Rescan
  5. Rescan (cos, why not?)
  6. Chill
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I have problem.When I download some songs I turn on the Poweramp, give the library, albums and It show me nothing.There is written" It looks like anything to me". Then in the mobile I have to put - apps and stop the app. Only then will the downloaded songs show up in the library. Do you know what it is? Do I need to set up something in the library for Poweramp?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Deleting the .cue file and then rescanning did the trick for me.

I have had the problem with the mp3s in a specific folder for a long time. Only two out of 20 songs were found by Poweramp, and I tried everything renaming directory, rescanning, checking mp3 properties. But it was all in the .cue file apparently.


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  • 2 months later...

When I get home I'm going to delete the files again and change some details on the original files and recopy and hopefully it will see them correctly. 


On another unrelated note does anyone know how to display the total time of each album?

Like the picture I posted above where the year is listed is it possible to also display the album time? I know it shows at the artist level. 

I would like to see it at album level as well. 

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17 minutes ago, XanaduBananadu said:

It's showing as 2011

That's an album (of other category) header, not an individual track's results. Albums do not have metadata per se, it's interpreted from all the tracks which are tagged to say they are part of that album. Think of a compilation album where each track was released in a different year, it has to pick one. Do any of the other tracks in that same album have a date of 2011?

For your other question, Settings > Library > Lists > Headers with Meta. However you do seem to have that enabled anyway (otherwise the line with the year would not be shown). What Library Category are you using, I see the total running time in that line in Folders, Albums, Artists, and some other views - but oddly not when you drill down from Artist's name to one of their Albums, which I agree it probably should.


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5 hours ago, andrewilley said:

That's an album (of other category) header, not an individual track's results. Albums do not have metadata per se, it's interpreted from all the tracks which are tagged to say they are part of that album. Think of a compilation album where each track was released in a different year, it has to pick one. Do any of the other tracks in that same album have a date of 2011?

For your other question, Settings > Library > Lists > Headers with Meta. However you do seem to have that enabled anyway (otherwise the line with the year would not be shown). What Library Category are you using, I see the total running time in that line in Folders, Albums, Artists, and some other views - but oddly not when you drill down from Artist's name to one of their Albums, which I agree it probably should.


I checked and all the tracks are of the same year 2006. I'm curious though if this checks album names across artists? Because when I initially loaded them the cover art was the same as Game of Thrones - Season 1 which is from 2011. So did it somehow cross reference the album of the same name even though they were different artists?


I do have Headers with Meta enabled and the category selected is Artists.

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Then yes, it's probably that at some point the album name was picked up from the Game of Thrones match (not sure why a Lost OST and a GoT OST would ever have the same album title wording though?). The best way to differentiate different albums which happen to have the same title is to use the Album Artist tag (just using the Artist tag alone may not help, because collection / Various Artists albums need to have their tracks grouped together).

I do agree that the running time metadata being missing from the Albums level when you've drilled down from the Artist  or Albums by Artist categories is probably an oversight that needs to be fixed though (as it works in all levels of other drill-down categories, such as Folders Hierarchy).One for @maxmp to look at I think.


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I usually change the album names to something simple like 'Season 1' and seeing as these are the only two shows whose complete soundtracks I have, they had the same album names up to season 5. Since I also never use the Album Artist tag it makes sense what you said about Artist tag alone.

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